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a little more about me

I am an online event-design coach, content creator, and business strategist.  I teach new and aspiring event designers how to jumpstart their business and attract their ideal clients.
After deciding that teaching in a "traditional" classroom was no longer a good fit, I decided to create my own classroom within my coaching business. 

Today, I teach creative designers how to turn their side-hustles into event businesses while attracting their perfect clients and booking back-to-back events!
The way I teach my designer comes from my experiences in the classroom & running my own event-design business.  


Being creative is a skill I've had since I was a little girl. I loved being able to express my inner-self to the world.

Fast forward to my career-choice, teaching was supposed to be my gateway for my creativity to thrive.... but it wasn't!

I knew I needed a creative outlet, and I needed it fast. Depression was starting to kick in and I needed a way to release my stress from being in an environment where I couldn't be creative.

That's when "My Inspiring Designs" was born.

Are you ready to start the party!?

I have developed a secret guide on how to attract your dream clients. I only share this with the event designers in my coaching program, but I'd like to share it with you for FREE. 


Click below for the secret guide on how to attract your dream clients!

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